Planning your home sale in 2023? Start here

If you’re planning on selling your home in 2023, it’s time to think about getting ready now. There are plenty of things you can do to prepare your home so that it’s ready when it comes time to put it on the market. Here’s how to get started

Talk to us first

At JDH we keep a close eye on what’s happening in the real estate market, both in the Northern Beaches and in the wider economy, and we are always up to date with the rapid changes. We know that there are buyers out there looking for a new home to call their own, many of whom we are already in touch with.

Therefore, before you do anything, why not come and have an informal chat with us to ascertain what’s currently happening and how you can best position your home in an ever-changing market? It may be a lot easier than you think to find the right buyer and move on in 2023.

We’re also more than happy to give you some tips on what you should do now to make your home market-ready.

What you should do now to get your home ready for sale

While your impending sale may still be a little way off, it’s never too early to start getting ready. Here are some things you can do now to make things easier down the track.

  • Declutter. If you’ve lived in your current home for a number of years, you’ve no doubt accumulated a lot of ‘stuff’ that you don’t really need or even use anymore. This is a good time to go through everything, room by room, and get rid of all the things that are no longer needed. You can donate these to a charity or even consider selling them on eBay or Facebook marketplace – which is easier when you have more time.
  • Pack away your personal items and mementos. You’re going to be moving anyway so why not start packing away some of your personal items and mementos to give your home a cleaner look? This will help when it comes time to take photographs of your home for the sale.
  • Give the walls a new coat of paint. If the paintwork is looking a little tired, one of the best things you can do to freshen up the interior is to add a new coat of paint. Stick to fairly neutral colours that will appeal to the majority of buyers out there.
  • Update the kitchen. There’s no need for a complete reno to give your kitchen a more modern look. Simple things like painting the cupboard doors and replacing the handles can give the kitchen a complete facelift without costing you a lot.
  • Rejuvenate the bathroom. Minor things like replacing the taps can instantly lift a tired bathroom. If you want to add even more glamour, consider installing a frameless shower. This will immediately make the room look more spacious and modern.
  • Don’t forget the outdoor area. People love spending time outdoors on the Northern Beaches, and if your home has a welcoming outdoor area, you’re one step ahead of other sellers whose homes may not have this feature.
  • Spruce up the garden. The garden frames your home and is the first thing that people will see. Make yours look appealing by tidying up any areas that have become overgrown or neglected. If there are some bare areas around your garden, consider putting in some low-maintenance shrubs that will add an inviting atmosphere.
  • Don’t forget the curb appeal. Take a critical look at how your home appears from the street. Has the letterbox seen better days? Is there paint peeling on the guttering or the downpipes? All these things are quick to remedy and will make all the difference when people first drive by to check out your house.

Timing the sale

The perfect time to put your house on the market is when it’s looking its best. It’s important not to rush into a sale but to take your time and make sure your home is going to shine when prospective buyers come for an inspection.

This will ensure that you not only get a quick sale but you’re also likely to increase competition and get a good price for your home.

Thinking of selling this year? Talk to us

If you are thinking of selling soon or in the new year, please give the JDH team a call. We’re always happy to chat.

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