Sprucing up the kerb appeal of your home with a new coat of paint is definitely a good way to attract interested buyers and get the best price possible. A new coat of paint will make your home stand out among all the other properties for sale and the photos will be nice and crisp.
Plus, people driving by to have a look at the outside of your home will be impressed by how clean and appealing it looks.
Use a maximum of three colours
According to professional colour consultants, using just three colours gives balance to the visual appeal of your home. Remember that the exterior of your home will set the scene for what’s inside. The nicer your home looks from the street, the more eager people will be to find out what’s hidden behind the facade.
Ideally, you want to select one colour for the walls, a complementary colour for the trim and then a splash of an accent colour to draw the eye. One of the best ways to use an accent colour is on the front door. This makes the entrance of your home stand out and beckons potential buyers to come inside.
Choosing the colours
With such a huge selection of exterior paints available in an almost endless array of colours, it can be difficult to know where to start. You could start by looking online at other properties for sale on the Northern Beaches to see what colours seem to be most popular. If you don’t know where to start, check out some popular exterior colour schemes here.
Consider taking a drive around the local streets and look at the exterior of the houses. Take note of the ones that stand out and attract your attention and analyse what you like about the colour scheme.
Also, consider the landscaping out the front of your house. Can you find some complementary colours that would work well using plant and flower colours in your garden, or your colours from driveway, front path or fence?
When considering a colour scheme, remember that light colours will make your house look larger as well as making it a focal point. On the other hand, darker colours will make your house appear smaller but they will also help to blend it into the landscape.
Use a colour selection visualiser
Once you’ve got a rough idea on what colour scheme you like, it’s time to visualise how that will look on your house.
Many of the top paint companies, like Taubmans and Dulux, have online tools you can use to see how certain colours will look on the exterior of your home.
For example, the Taubmans online visualiser allows you to add a photo of the exterior of your home and then play around with different colours on all the exterior surfaces. And, it’s extremely easy to use.
Just add a photo, choose the colours that you’re considering and then apply them to the different surfaces to see the completed results. This is far easier than taking home some sample pots and trying them out on your house.
Dulux also has a colour app that you can download onto your smartphone. This makes it even easier if you’re a highly visual person and want to see the actual colours in person while you’re selecting them.
With these colour selection apps (or any of the visualisers available online), you’ll be able to see more or less what your house is going to look like once it’s repainted. As well as being fun to use, they take the guesswork out of your home exterior colour selection.
Want more ideas on painting your Northern Beaches home?
To find out more about how freshening up the colour scheme of your house exterior might affect the sale or rental of your property, please give the JDH team a call.